

We help clients recover:

  • Assets lost through scams and unlawful acts against them through in-depth investigations and asset tracing
  • Data loss or breaches caused by cyber-attacks and cyber-scams
  • Loss of assets or properties through breaches of Intellectual property against clients
  • Debts from fraudulent or wrongful trading against clients

Recover cases

Fraudulent Debtor case

Assisted client to pursue a fraudulent debt of S$2 million against a furnishing company. Supported with asset tracing and appointment of debt collection agency.

Asset tracing Investigation against high-profile individual.

Asset tracing exercise spanning over several jurisdiction including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand

Asset tracing of 3 targets (Hong Kong and offshore), key members of a listed company, Hong Kong:

Work comprised of private investigators, liaisons with bankers from Singapore and Hong Kong, and checks on bank accounts and properties.

Asset Tracing Investigation into PT Adam Mining (Indonesia)

We assisted our client who had allegedly been cheated by the proprietors of this group of company for over S$ 10 million and our works were carried out mostly in Indonesia, and involved covert operations and private investigators.

Investigations into and recovery of assets hidden by bankrupt in India

Working closely with client’s legal team, we launched investigations into a target who is a Singaporean bankrupt but now staying in India. We have uncovered evidence that he had hidden assets away from creditors and the Official Assignee for many years and is attempting to hoodwink the OA to discharge him from bankruptcy. Using our partners in Chennai, India, we uncovered some assets belonging to the suspect.

Our Motto: Investigate. Coach. Recover.