

We coach clients in:

  • Rectifying compliance and governance breaches and shortcomings
  • Replying and appeals, to relevant authorities
  • Preparatory works and guidance against investigations by relevant authorities
  • Education of staff, employee, management, agents, contractors and partners of client corporation, of its corporate policies and guidelines on compliance and governance, internal investigation, Anti-corruption policy, an-money laundering policy etc, via classes, seminars, webinars etc
  • Drafting and advice on SOPs, policy advisory papers ‘White Paper’, etc,
  • Business matching, business assessments

Some cases we handled

Supporting Audit Firm Ltd’s staff in providing expert evidence in a Bruneian court.

A senior staff of Audit Firm Ltd was called upon by a leading Bruneian car company, to provide expert evidence in court for her forensic auditing works, over a suit brought about by some workers against it. We assisted in the preparations of her expert testimony in court.

Review of the Restructuring of ABC International Limited
(with assets over USD 1 billion)

We carried out a forensic audit and review of the restructuring of ABC International Ltd. Our research involved screening and investigations of about 67 local and offshore companies of CSIL, whose assets were valued at more S$1 billion.

Review of potential breaches of the SGX Listing Rules by FGH Holdings Ltd (SGX)

We were engaged by this listco to provide the platform for a legal opinion and to support it to defend against any investigation into it for breaches of the SGX listing rules, by both SGX and potentially by the Commercial Affairs Dept. Our clients believed they had not committed any breaches and wanted us to investigate their standing.

DEF Limited (SGX)’s request for review of its operations before takeover by another

DEF Ltd was about to be taken over by another party. Prior to the takeover, DEF’s management engaged us to carry out a thorough review of its practice of engaging foreign agents to promote and procure contracts. This was in view of the Keppel Holdings debacle that had just taken place. Our forensic review was then used by its legal team to form their legal opinion.

Review of work by key management appointments of ABD International (S) Pte Ltd

We carried out this work for a large MNC :

  1. To review the work carried out by the key management appointments for a specified period, and
  2. Support the legal opinion on whether such work and actions carried out by the key management appointments of the company (I) are in compliance with the undertakings provided by and (II) if it had unfairly prejudice any individual shareholder of the holding group.

Background review of ABC Education Joint Stock Company (Vietnam) Business ID No. 0443878522

Assisted RHT to conduct research into the background of this company based in Vietnam. RHT was representing a client who wished to invest in this company and its business.

Series of enhanced due diligence research on targets in Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, India and Singapore.

We had successfully carried out dozens of enhanced due diligence research on individuals and corporate entities for our clients in various jurisdictions.

Our Motto: Investigate. Coach. Recover.